Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Module screen flow statements in SAP ABAP.

Module screen flow statements in SAP ABAP.

Module screen flow statements?

Ans: This statement is used in flow logic to call the define process module pool programs.

Syntax: [FIELD<screen-field>]MODULE<module-name>.


      I.        ….AT EXIT-COMMAND: This command is used to trigger the dialogue module in case of push button or menu item with the function type ‘E’ exit is pressed.

    II.        …AT CURSOR-SELECTION: This addition is used to trigger the corresponding module when the cursor is placed on the input field of a screen. It can also be used to trigger corresponding module in case of a push button or menu item with f-type ‘S’ (system) or CS (cursor selection) is pressed.

   III.        CHAIN…ENDCHAIN: This statement is used in flow logic to define the process chains. It can be used to make all the screen input fields enables to enter input data.

Useful additions to CHAIN…ENDCHAIN statement:

      I.        MODULE ON CHAIN-REQUEST: The module with ON CHAIN-REQUEST is used to trigger the corresponding module on the specified screen fields (in the sequence).

    II.        MODULE ON CHAIN INPUT: The module ON CHAIN INPUT is used to check the individual conditions of the screen fields in the sequence.

Q) what is the use of at exit command in mpp?

Ans: At exit Command is mainly used to quit the program.

This command is used to trigger the dialogue module in case of push button or menu item with the function type ‘E’ exit is pressed.


I have five input fields in my screen, all the five fields are mandatory

 i have to go back to the program (LEAVE PROGRAM).

Normally if there is any one mandatory fields in screen if am triggering any event,

that time the system automatically throws an error like  “Please fill in the mandatory fields”.

In that case the AT EXIT COMMAND will be used.

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