Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Debugger, Break points and Watch points in SAP ABAP.

Explain about Debugger, Break points and Watch points?

Debugger, Break points and Watch points in SAP ABAP.

Ans :-  Debugger :- This tool is used to check the program line by line & block by block for finding          and rectifying errors or bugs.

     Break Points:- These are Statement based. They are used to stop the program in the         debugger tool for checking line by line or block by block.

·         Break points are of 4 types. We can place up to 30 break points in the program.

1. Session Break Point: An icon set/delete breakpoint icon or click on statement line at       gray color vertical selection in the source code.

2. Static Break Point: The ABAP statement BREAK-POINT/BREAK <user_name> is used      to set the Static break point. The ABAP statement BREAK-POINT               should not be used since all the users are stopped.                                                              3. Dynamic Break Point: They are used to check the program in case of not possible to    find a location. The command /H is used to set dynamic break points.  The program is stopped at the first statement line of the performed action.

4. External Break Point: They are used to check the cross application components such

     as RFC, BAPI from one system to another. An icon set or delete external break points  is used to set or delete external break-points.

Watch Points: - These are Condition based. They are used to stop the program once the set condition is reached. The Watch points can be set inside the debugger tool. We can place up to 9 watch points in the program. We can reduce debugging time using watch points.

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