What are the types of execution modes?

Execution modes in SAP ABAP.
Ans: There are 2 types of execution mode to execute a program or the transaction codes.
1. Foreground: It is used to execute the programs or the transaction codes directly by pressing execute icon or F8 function key. It requires user interaction.
2. Background: This execution mode is used to execute the programs or the transaction codes periodically such as Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly etc in background. It doesn’t require any user interaction. The variants must be created before the programs are scheduled in back ground.
The T-code SM36 is used to define the background jobs &
The T-code SM37 is used to check the status of the background jobs.
The standard function modules JOB_OPEN -> To open back ground job
JOB_SUBMIT -> To submit job in back ground
JOB_CLOSE -> To close scheduled job.