Thursday, September 10, 2020

Different types of internal tables and explain about them in SAP ABAP.

What are the different types of internal tables and explain about them?

Different types of internal tables and explain about them in SAP ABAP.

Ans :- Internal Tables: - They are the intermediate tables to hold the multiple records at run time.

 There are 3 types of internal tables.

1. STANDARD Internal tables: - The standard Internal Tables are filled using the ABAP statement 'APPEND'/’INSERT’. It accepts the duplicate records. Searching of a record is Linear Search. It is the default index table. Standard internal table can be sorted explicitly.

Syntax: - DATA: <gt_dbtab> TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF <typ_dbtab/dbstr.....>.

2. SORTED Internal table: - The ABAP statement 'INSERT/APPEND' is used to fill Sorted Internal Table. It does not accept the Duplicate records. Searching of a record is Binary Search. Sorted internal table cannot be sorted explicitly. An

additional statement with UNIQUE/NON-UNIQ UE key must be used to declare Sorted Internal Tables.

Syntax :- DATA: <gt_dbtab> TYPE SORTED TABLE OF <dbtab/dbstr.....> WITH

UNIQUE/NON-UNIQUE KEY <k-f1> <k-f2>.

3. HASHED Internal tables: - They are Non Index tables. The Hashed Internal Tables holds huge amount of data than Standard & Sorted internal tables since they follow ‘Hashed Algorithm’. The ABAP statement ‘WITH UNIQUE KEY' must be used to declare Hashed Internal Tables.

It holds huge amount of data (2 GB) than standard & sorted internal tables.

Syntax:- DATA: <gt_dbtab> TYPE HASHED TABLE OF <dbtab/dbstr.....> WITH UNIQUE KEY <k-f1> <k-f2>.

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