Sunday, September 13, 2020

Explain about the events associated with Classical Reports in SAP ABAP.

Explain about the events associated with Classical Reports?

Events associated with Classical Reports in SAP ABAP.

Ans :- Following are the EVENTS associated with the Classical Reports .

 LOAD-OF-PROGRAM : This event triggers at the time of loading the program

into a memory.

INITIALIZATION: This event is triggered before the selection screen is displayed. It is used to clear & refresh the data variables and used to pass the default values to the selection fields.

AT SELECTION-SCREEN: This event is triggered after providing the input in the selection screen.

START-OF-SELECTION: It is the default event & mandatory to execute any executable program. It is used to fetch the data from the DB. If no event is used in the executable program, the entire program will be triggered under


END-OF-SELECTION: This event is triggered after Start-Of-Selection event is processed. It is used to specify the data process statements.

TOP-OF-PAGE: This event is triggered with the first ULINE/WRITE/SKIP/NEW PAGE statement in START_OF-SELECTION event in the program. It is used to display the column headings.

END-OF-PAGE: This event is triggered at the end of each page. It is used to display the footer details of a page such as totals etc..The report addition

LINE-COUNT must be specified to trigger this event.

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