Thursday, October 1, 2020

Main components in Smart Form in SAP ABAP.

 What are the main components in Smart Form?

Main components in Smart Form in SAP ABAP.

Ans: The main components are, 1. Global Settings       2. Pages & Windows

           1. Global Settings: It is used to maintain the global settings, definitions which can be applied          across the mart forms. It is collection of Form Attributes, Form Interface & Global Definition

                      I.        Form Attributes: These are used to maintain the smart form attributes & output such are page format, style name etc. The default style for smart form is ‘SYSTEM’.                                                

                    II.        Form Interface: These are used to declare the variables, work areas & internal tables 

        which are needed to transfer the data from print program to layout. It is the system                       generated function module with all the parameters except changing parameters.

III. Global Definitions: It is used to maintain the global definitions which can be used across        the different Global definitions.

                    a) Global Data: It is used to maintain the global data definitions such are variables, work                                           areas, Internal Tables etc.

     b) Types: It is used to define the types which can be referred to declare internal tables &                    work areas.

     c) Field Symbols: It is used to define the field symbols.

     d) Initialization: It is processed before the smart form pages & windows are processed. It                           is used to extract all the required data from the database table &                                             process the extracted data. Import & Export parameters must be                                        specified before they are used.

     e) Form routines: It is used to define the subroutines which can be called across the                                                           smart form. It is used to define the currency/quantity fields as like the                                             DDIC tables/structures. 

       f) Currency/Quantity Field: It is used to define the Currency/Quantity Fields as like the                                                                 DDIC tables/structures.

            2. Pages & Windows: It is used to design the different page formats & windows. Following                                               are the different nodes in smart forms.

a)    Windows: They are positioned on the pages. Following are different type of windows.

Ø  Main Window: It is used to display the continuous text on the pages. This window is the  default widow. Without main window also we can design Smart forms.

Ø  Secondary window: It is used to print the different contents on each page (similar to variable window in SAP Scripts).

Ø  Copies window: It is used to the print the same document with multiple

                           copies with different headings.

Ø  Final window: This is used to print the total amount after all the lines or line items are printed.

b)    Graphics: It is used to create a graphic node (window) to display the graphics/logos.

c)    Address: It is used to define the address node/window to display/print the organization address/personal address/work place add/ress.

Ø  The address can be determined dynamically also using an option Determine Dynamically.

d)    Text: It is used to display/print the contents of the different symbols/fields.

e)    Table: A table is used to print the multiple entries/dynamic data of an internal table. The Table node can be used as template to display static record by un-checking the checkbox internal table. Line types can be created under Table node.

f)     Template: A Template is used to display the static data (single record). This node does not have the separate header, main area & footer whereas, the table node contains the different sessions such are header, main area & footer. The template node can be used as table by defining it under loop node to display the dynamic data as like the table node.

g)    Flow logic: The flow logic nodes are used to control the nodes & define the program lines in smart forms. Following are the different flow logic nodes.

                                        I.        Loop:  It is used to process the corresponding nodes based on the number of entries of an internal table.

                                      II.        Program lines: It is used to write ABAP source code. Input & Output parameters must be filled with the data variables before they are used.

                                     III.        Alternative: It is used to control the corresponding nodes based on the specified condition. It is used to process the alternative either True/False process blocks based on the SET conditions.

                                    IV.        Command: This node is used to go to a new page based on the specified conditions. This is used to break the page based on the condition.       

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Difference types of Windows in SAP ABAP.

Difference types of Windows in SAP ABAP. 

What are the difference types of Windows?

Ans:    Windows: - They are used to define the different types of windows.

Ø  Following are the different types of windows.

·         Main Window: It is the default widow. It is used to display the continuous text on the pages. Without main window we can’t design SAP scripts. The system generates the pages dynamically for main window. Up to 99 main windows can be created in a form. The window type is ‘MAIN’.

·         Constant Window: This window contains the static content which can be formatted only once to print/display the same contents on all the pages.

·         Variable Window: It is used to print the data based on the window size. It can be formatted for each page to print/display the different contents. Without a variable window also we can design the SAP script.

·         Graphic Window: It is used to print/display the graphics/logos on the page.

Module screen flow statements in SAP ABAP.

Module screen flow statements in SAP ABAP.

Module screen flow statements?

Ans: This statement is used in flow logic to call the define process module pool programs.

Syntax: [FIELD<screen-field>]MODULE<module-name>.


      I.        ….AT EXIT-COMMAND: This command is used to trigger the dialogue module in case of push button or menu item with the function type ‘E’ exit is pressed.

    II.        …AT CURSOR-SELECTION: This addition is used to trigger the corresponding module when the cursor is placed on the input field of a screen. It can also be used to trigger corresponding module in case of a push button or menu item with f-type ‘S’ (system) or CS (cursor selection) is pressed.

   III.        CHAIN…ENDCHAIN: This statement is used in flow logic to define the process chains. It can be used to make all the screen input fields enables to enter input data.

Useful additions to CHAIN…ENDCHAIN statement:

      I.        MODULE ON CHAIN-REQUEST: The module with ON CHAIN-REQUEST is used to trigger the corresponding module on the specified screen fields (in the sequence).

    II.        MODULE ON CHAIN INPUT: The module ON CHAIN INPUT is used to check the individual conditions of the screen fields in the sequence.

Q) what is the use of at exit command in mpp?

Ans: At exit Command is mainly used to quit the program.

This command is used to trigger the dialogue module in case of push button or menu item with the function type ‘E’ exit is pressed.


I have five input fields in my screen, all the five fields are mandatory

 i have to go back to the program (LEAVE PROGRAM).

Normally if there is any one mandatory fields in screen if am triggering any event,

that time the system automatically throws an error like  “Please fill in the mandatory fields”.

In that case the AT EXIT COMMAND will be used.

Events associated with Screen Painter in SAP ABAP.

What are the events associated with Screen Painter?.

Events associated with Screen Painter in SAP ABAP.


Ø  This event is triggered before the screen is displayed.

Ø  It can also be triggered while performing any action on the screen.

Ø  This is used to provide the default values to the screen fields.

Ø  It can also be used to format the screen elements dynamically.

            2. PROCESS AFTER INPUT (PAI):

Ø  This event is triggered after the Input values are provided to the screen.

Ø  This event is used to validate the input data on the screens.

Ø  It can also be used to process the screen data based on the performed action          (pressed push button menu item etc)


Ø  This event is triggered when the function key F1 or help icon (?) is pressed.

Ø  This event is used to provide the help documentation on the screen fields.

Ø  The T-code:   SE61/SO72 is used to maintain help documentation.

Ø  The standard function module ‘HELP_OBJECT_SHOW’ is used to display the maintain help documentation.


Ø  This event is triggered in case of in case of function key F4 or search help icon is pressed.

Ø  This event is used to populate & display the custom search help on screen input fields.

Ø  The standard function module “F4IF_INT_TABLE_VALUE_REQUEST” is used to display the populated internal table data as search help. 

Differences between SELECT SINGLE and UPTO 1 ROWS in SAP ABAP.

What are the differences between SELECT SINGLE and UPTO 1 ROWS?

Differences between SELECT SINGLE and UPTO 1 ROWS in SAP ABAP.



1. It extracts single record from the data base table

1. It extracts all the records into a buffer and moves the first record in to an application program

2. It doesn’t require END SELECT statement

2. It requires END SELECT

 3. Use this one, in case of all key fields can be considered. To read exact record from database table we need to provide all key fields.

3. Use this one, in case of not possible to use all the key fields. We can read appropriate record from database table; we may not need to provide all key fields.

4. It is slower because it is a construct to read database records with primary key. In the absence of the primary key, it might end up doing a sequential search

4. It is faster because you are not using all the primary key fields.

Difference between ATNEW and ONCHANGE OF in SAP ABAP.

What is the difference between ATNEW and ONCHANGE OF?

Difference between ATNEW and ONCHANGE OF.



1. They must be used within the loop statements.

1. It can be used within the loop statement & outside of the loop statements also

2. It considers preceding fields also

2. It doesn't consider

3. It can’t be used on more than one field using the SET operator ‘OR’

3. It can be used on the multiple fields using the SET operator ‘OR’

4. The work area is impacted by replacing with Asterisk (*******)marks

4. It doesn’t impact the Work Area

Control Break Statements, explain about them in SAP ABAP.

What are the Control Break Statements, explain about them?.

Control Break Statements, explain about them in SAP ABAP.

Ans :-

Control Break statements: - They are used to control the data flow of an internal table.

Ø  The Control break statements start with AT and ends with ENDAT.

Ø  These statements should be used within the LOOP statements only

Ø  Following are the different types of Control break statements.

·         AT FIRST: - This event is triggered at the first record of an internal table. This is used to display the Header information.

·         AT NEW: - This event is triggered at the first record of each block. This is used to display the individual headings.

·         AT END OF: - This event is triggered at the last record of each block. This is used to display the total/sub totals in the internal table.

·         AT LAST: - This event is triggered at the last record of an internal table.

·         ON CHANGE OF: - It is a special control break statement which can be used outside of the                                loop statement also.

Ø  It is almost similar to AT NEW statement but it doesn't consider the preceding fields.

Ø  It can be used on the multiple fields using SET operators (AND, OR, BETWEEN).

Events associated with Interactive Reports in SAP ABAP.

 Events associated with Interactive Reports.

What are the events associated with Interactive Reports?

Ans :- Following are the EVENTS associated with the Interactive Reports .

Ø  AT LINE-SELECTION: This event is triggered at the time of user clicks on any record of any list. It is used to provide the detailed list based on the current list.

The system field SY-LSIND holds the Index of the next drill down list.

Ø  AT USER-COMMAND: This event is triggered at the time of user clicks on any menu item. This event is used to provide the additional functionality based on the selected push button.

Ø  TOP-OF-PAGE DURING LINE-SELECTION: This event is triggered with the first WRITE/ULINE/SKIP of the drill down list. It is used to provide the column headings for the drill down list.

Ø  AT PF: This event is triggered when the function key is pressed. This event is used to provide the additional functionality based on the selected menu item.

Ø   SET PF-STATUS: This event is triggered at the time of attaching our own GUI to the list. It is used to call the menu status.

Ø  Up to 35 Push buttons can be created on the Application tool bar.

Explain about Loop termination statements in SAP ABAP.

Explain about Loop termination statements?

Explain about Loop termination statements in SAP ABAP.

Ans :-  The following statements are used to come out of the loops and continue with the next    

             loop statements.

·         EXIT: - This statement is used to come out of the loop statement and continue with the  next statement line outside of the loop statements in the program.

·         STOP: - This statement is used to stop the Loop process along with the next part of the  loop statement.

·         CONTINUE: - This statement is used to stop the current loop process and continue with  the next loop process.

·         CHECK: - This statement is used to check the specified conditions and continue with the next loop process.


Types of execution modes in SAP ABAP.

Types of execution modes in SAP ABAP.

What are the types of execution modes?

Ans:  There are 2 types of execution mode to execute a program or the transaction codes.

1. Foreground: It is used to execute the programs or the transaction codes directly by pressing  execute icon or F8 function key. It requires user interaction.

2. Background: This execution mode is used to execute the programs or the transaction codes   periodically such as Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly etc in background. It doesn’t require any user interaction. The variants must be created before the programs are scheduled in back ground.

Ø  The T-code SM36 is used to define the background jobs &

Ø  The T-code SM37 is used to check the status of the background jobs.

The standard function modules JOB_OPEN -> To open back ground job

JOB_SUBMIT -> To submit job in back ground

JOB_CLOSE -> To close scheduled job.

Debug Background Jobs in SAP ABAP.

How to debug Background Jobs?

Debug Background Jobs SAP ABAP.

Ans: The Background jobs can be debugging using the command ‘JDBG’.

Ø  Execute the T-code SM37

Ø  Check the required background job to be debugged.

Ø  Enter JDBG in the Command field & Press Enter

Ø  Keep on pressing F7 until the required program is stopped.

Ø  Use the Function keys F5/F6/F7 to check the program Line by line/Block by Block once it is reached.

Classical & New debugger Differences in SAP ABAP.

 Differences between Classical & New debugger?

Classical & New debugger Differences in SAP ABAP.


Classical debugger

New debugger

1.It is the old debugger

1.It is introduced from the version ECC 5.0

2.It runs on the same session to check & resolve the issues in the program

2.It runs on the separate session

3. It has Lots of limitations such as different desktops are not there, no separate sections for local , global Variables etc

3.It is very efficient tool to check lots of actions such as different desktops, separate actions for local & global Variables & objects at a time

Single Step F5
: The function key F5 is used to check Line By Line of the program.

Execute F6: The function key F6 is used to check Block By Block of the program.

Return F7: The function key F7 is used to Return from the source code of the process blocks such                 as sub-routines, function modules, methods etc.

Continue F8: The function key F8 is used to jump from one break point into the next break point                         then execute once the last break point is reached & then execute.