Monday, April 25, 2022

Differences between function module & subroutine in SAP ABAP.

Differences between function module & subroutine in SAP ABAP. 

 Function module


1. Function modules are global, i.e., 

we can access the function module 

with in the server as well as outside 

the server also.

2. We can test the function module 


3. We can handle the errors in 

function module.

4. Function modules are defined by 

using SE37 transaction code.

1. Subroutines are local, i.e., we can 

access the subroutine with in the 

server only.

2. We can‘t test the subroutine 

independently without calling the 


3. We can‘t handle the errors in 


4. Subroutines are defined by using 

SE38 transaction code.

Steps to create function module:-

 Execute SE37.

 Provide your function module name.

 Create.

 Provide function group name & short description.

 Save. 

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