Monday, April 25, 2022



It is the integrated text management system of SAP. The output of  scripts and normal report will be same. But formatting is very easy using scripts. Usually scripts are used for external purpose and reports are used for internal purpose. When specific format is required in output we go for scripts.

In scripts we require layout set and print program. Layout set is used for designing the output. That is page designing is done here. For this Transaction code is SE71 (form painter).

Print program is used for writing the logic to get the data from data base. It is an executable program which is written in SE38 T-code.

Attributes of form painter (SE71)




Page windows

Paragraph Formats

Character Formats

HEADER:- It contains Basic settings and administrative data. Administrative data gives history of the form and basic settings gives technical information about the form.

PAGES:- It is a logical memory area where output is formatted. It is a repository of pages.

WINDOWS:- I t is a place on the page where output or data is formatted. Page has to be divided into windows in order to hold the output. We cant format the output outside the windows. Windows  is repository of windows.

Paragraph formats and Character formats are used for alignment or beautifying the output.

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