Monday, March 2, 2020

OData related question in SAP ABAP.

OData related question  in SAP ABAP.

OData question below details.

1.What is OData? Explain the advantages of OData?
2.What is the transaction code for creating OData project?
3.Explain the folders in OData project?
4.Which OData version do you use?
5.What is Entity type and Entityset? What is the difference betweenthem?
6.Explain complex type?
7.Mention difference between Entity type and Complex type?
8.What is Function import? When should we opt for function import?
9.What is Association and Association set?
10.What is referential constraint? Is it mandatory to create referentialconstraints?
11.What is navigation property? What is its use?
12.What are the classes created by framework when runtime artifacts aregenerated?
13.What are MPC, MPC Extension class & DPC, DPC Extension class?
14.What is Metadata? How to download Metadata?
15.What is the default format for data in Http response body?
16.Can we query or retrieve metadata in JSON format?
17.What will happen if logic is implemented in Model provider class &Data provider class and regenerate the runtime objects?
18.What is with Mapping and without mapping for BAPI & RFC in OData?
19.What are CRUD methods?
20.What is the difference between GET_ENTITY & GET_ENTITYSET?
21.Mention different status codes you have came across in OData?
22.What are the status codes for Create, Update, Delete and Getoperations?
23.Will the data return to HTTP Response body, if ER_ENTITY ofUPDATE_ENTITY is populated with value?
24.How to make configuration for calling a service in a system?
25.List some query options in OData?
26.What are skip & top query?
27.What is the query for Function Import?
28.In which method do you implement logic for function import?
29.What are the parameters of EXECUTE_ACTION method?
30.How to pass the GUID value in the Query?

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