Tuesday, February 26, 2019

SAP ABAP Interview Questions & Answers Details.

SAP ABAP Interview Questions & Answers Details.

 1. What is the difference between Check table and value table

 Check Table : Master Table
      Value Table: Table Across Which All the Values Are Selected.

 2. What are the events and the flow of the events in reports.

       Events in Order
       At selection-screen
       At selection-Screen 0n Block 

 3. What are the internal table events
      AT First
      At New 
      At End of 
      At Last

 4. If we applied at new event on a character column, what will the result?

  All character type fields (on the right) are filled with "*" after the current control

 5.What is the difference between select single and select upto.

         Select Single is not loop and it doesn> '> t contain EndSelect,
         Where as Upto Contains Endselect and it> '> s a loop.

 6. What are the type of BDC and differences? which is the best one? in which   synario each  will use?
        a> Call Transacation -> errors have to be explicitly handled -> Large Data
        b> Session -> Need Not Handle Errors -> Less Data, Time Consuming

 7. What is the differnce between open form and start form in scripts

   Open_form to Open particular Form
        Start_form to Open PARTICULAR Page in a specific Form

 8. What is the use of control form function in scripts?

       To Avoid Page Break

 9. What are the differnt types of internal tables?
        Hashed >

10. Which system varible can be used for handling the interactive reports?
      Ans :SY-LISEL

 11. How many levels of drill down reports are possible in interactive reports?
       Ans :20

 12. How many main windows are possible in a script?
      Ans :99

 13. Include structure in itab and insert data into int, apply collect
            statement and give the result.

 14. Which view will use single table in selection -
      Ans :A Projection view

 15. How we can represent a logical database in program
      Ans : Nodes.

 16. What is the result of Reset command
      Ans : 'Format reset' command sets the format to default.

 17. Can we place multiple tab control in a sub screen
      Ans : Yes

 18. How many main windows can we include in a page window
      Ans : 99

 19. How we can specify client id in our program. -
       SELECT ... FROM

       Data: sum type p value '3876.9898'.
       write:/ sum.

 Ans : Error !! No command like 'set fixed decimails'.

 21. loop at itab.
        What will be the out put of the above statement

  Ans :print the values in the internal table through sap script.

 22. Can we call a sub rutine from a fucntion module
     Ans : Yes

 23. Can we call START-OF-SELECTION event in include file.
     Ans :Yes

 24. How we can place boarder in the form
    Ans : Using box command

 25. What is SAP Memory

 26. What will happend at the time of Sychronization buffering
        Ans : the data in all the buffers in all applications servers is
                 refreshed and hence the latest data is buffered

 27. Which is the default database for ALE

 28. In which table of SAP, date formats are stored

 29. What is the screen no for default selection screen
      Ans : 1000

 30. What is the basic list index
      Ans : zero

 31. How we can write a program variable in a script?
      Ans : write it like -- &program-variable&

 32. Can we make a drill down report into an interactive report?
      Ans :Yes

 33. How we can use Hide statement in program
      Ans :Hide statement should be used just after the write statement of
              the data that we want to store.

 34. How we can pass a reference parameter into a form
      Ans : Yes

 35. Which attribute is not available in data element , but which is
            available in field element
      Ans : Data element doent have check table

 36. Which is a good example for foreign key - CURRENCY TABLE

 37. What is mean by Cardinality
      Ans : Relationships

 38. What MOVE-CORRESPONDING statement will do
      Ans : Compares the field names for data transfer between two
                structures or internal tables or from table to internal table.

 39. How do you switch off automatic asynchronization
      Ans :

 40. Can we sort a sorted table?
     Ans : Yes

 41. While creating a view , will it create a view in underlying database?
     ANs: Yes

 42. Which protocall is using for IDOC?

 43. Internal table qustion with collect?
     1. what is the transaction code for material storage location with plant wise( i think MBSU) but at the time interview he was saying something which begins with VFO3
     or starts with V and his question was why u have created report for this even though u have transaction code.

    2.wht u have done sap scripts ? then i said i modified medruck form then he asked me what u have done in that ?my inserted company logo and added e-mail and at the footer i added date and time with page number.Then his question was u said ur working for supporting then y did u insert logo again : i said we modified the logo .

   3. what print program did u use for medruck? (ans: sapfm06p) but he asked me did u modify that program ? i said no i copied the program and made changes. Then his question was what include programms did u use in print program of sapfm06p
   4.what include program u use in BDC
   5.what is the technical settings of ur report ?ans from me was data class (master data) and size cateory (0). then asked me if i enter more than 20000 records then again i have change technical settings ?
    ans: i said no it automatically changes to 1
   6. what do u mean by internal document in SD flow?
   7. my report was sales details w.r.t all the customers form this he asked me that what u have done
   i said basic list consist of custommer number and sales org: and and few fields on double clicking custommer no: it gives complate information about customer
  • then he asked me how client know list of customer?

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