Every Idoc contains three types of records.
Control Record (EDIDC)
Data Records (EDIDD)
3. Status Records (EDIDS)
CONTROL RECORD:- It is like address on the post card which gives the information about sender, receiver and type of data the idoc is holding. It will be always single record.
DATA RECORDS:- The actual data that is to be transferred is contained by data records. It can be single or multiple records. Actually the data records internally contain the segments and segments contain fields and fields contain values.
STATUS RECORDS:- It specifies about the actual position of the idoc. As idoc travels different mile stones system gives different statuses. Using the status of the idoc we can find out the position of the idoc.
1 to 49 statuses are used for out bound idoc
50 to 99 statuses are used for inbound idoc.
Important statuses are.
--- outbound idoc just created
30 --- ALE settings are ok
03 --- Idoc reached port
50 --- Inbound Idoc just created
51 --- Error in posting the document into data base
53 --- Document successfully posted in to data base
There are 2 types of Idocs.
Master Idoc
Communication Idoc
MASTER IDOC: - The data that is to be transferred is fetched from data base and formatted into Idoc format. This Idoc is called master Idoc. This Idoc is not stored in data base. This Idoc is not transferred. Its life span is until communication Idocs are created.
COMMUNICATION IDOCS:- The recipient specific Idocs are called communication Idocs. These Idocs are stored in data base. These Idocs are moved from source system to destination system.
MESSAGE TYPE:- This specifies about the type of data the Idoc is holding. The standard message types are
1. MATMAS Material master data
2. CREMAS Vendor master data
3. DEBMAS Customer master data
PORT:- it specifies about how the data should be transferred from source system to destination system. Transaction code for Port creation is WE21.Two important ports are..
T-RFC Port (Transactional RFC Port)
File Port
In T-RFC port the data will be moved in the form of memory buffers. In file port the data will be transferred in the form of files.
REMOTE FUNCTION CALL (RFC):- It is used to define the character of communication link between two system where the remote enabled function module is intended to be executed. In ALE this RFC will be used to connect to the remote system.
Transaction for RFC is SM59.
For generation of Idocs SAP has given standard T-codes based on the type of data you are going to transfer. The important T-codes are.
1. BD10 Material master push
2. BD11 Material master pull
3. BD12 Customer master push
4. BD13 Customer master pull
5. BD14 Vendor master push
6. BD15 Vendor master pull
You have to either run push or pull T-code. No need to run both the programs. If you want to send the data from source system run push T-code. If you want to get the data from destination system run pull T-code.