Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Differences between Macro & subroutine in SAP ABAP.

 What are the differences between Macro & subroutine?

Differences between Macro & subroutine in SAP ABAP.



1. Definition & calling in the same program.

1. Definition & calling may/may not in the same


2. Definition should be the 1st & calling should be

    The next.

2. Calling should be the 1st & Definition should

     Be the next.

3.  Macros can take up to 9 inputs.

3. Subroutines can take any no of inputs.

 4. Macros cannot be debugged.

4. Sub-routines can be debugged at run time.

Differences between Subroutines and Function Modules in SAP ABAP.

 What are the differences between Subroutines and Function Modules?

Differences between Subroutines and Function Modules.


                        Function modules 

1. These are local. We can access the 

     Subroutine within the server only.

1. These are global. We can access the

    function module with in server as well as

    Outside the server.

2. We can’t execute the subroutine independently

2. we can execute function module independently using the T-code SE37


3. Subroutines can’t handle the Exceptions.

3. Function module can handle the errors

    through Exceptions.


What are the Modularization techniques in SAP ABAP.

Details about Modularization techniques in SAP ABAP.

Modularization techniques in SAP ABAP.

Ans :- They are used to organize the ABAP code in the proper way , make the program more

            Understandable and make use of the code re-usable to avoid the duplicate data.

           To divide the business processing logic into reusable block of statements.

ü  Following are the different types of Modularization techniques

o   INCLUDES:  These programs are part of another main/include programs. Include programs can’t be executed independently whereas the same include program can be included in any no of executable programs. The ABAP statement INCLUDE is used to call or define the INCLUDE programs.

o   Subroutines: These are statements local modularization techniques. The sub-routines can be debugged at run time. Calling should be 1st & Definition should be next. The ABAP statement PERFORM is used to call the sub-routines & FORM…ENDFORM is used to define the sub-routines.

There are 2 types of sub-routines.

                                               I.        Internal Subroutine: These are defined & called in the same program.

                                              II.        External Subroutine: These are defined in one program & called in another program.

Actual Parameters: The parameters which can be called while calling the subroutines (with PERFORM statement).

Formal Parameters: The parameters which can be passed while defining the subroutine (with FORM statement).

Ø  The no of actual parameters should be similar to the no of formal parameters.

Ø  The sub-routines definitions should not be nested (form with in the form) but the sub-routine can be called within the sub-routine.

Ø  The statements between 2 sub-routines definitions cannot be accessed


o   Macros: These are used for the complex write statements & for long calculations. Macros can take up to 9 place holders (&1…. &9). In macros Definition should be 1st & Calling should be next. The ABAP statement, DEFINE…END-DEFINTION is used to define a macro. The macro definitions cannot be debugged at run time. The standard table TRMAC pooled table is used to maintain macros.

o   Function Modules:  These are global modularization objects. The function modules can be called any where in the same system & in another system also. The function modules are defined in function builder.


The T-code SE37 is used to work with the function modules & SE80 is used to work with the function group. The function modules should be assigned to a function group & Function group is the collection of function modules.

Ø  The standard table ‘TFDIR’ is used to find FMs since it contains the entire Function module in the system.

Ø  Normal Function Module: These are defined & called in the same system to reuse the central source code.

Ø  Remote Function Module: These are defined in one system & can be called another system.

Ø  Update Function Module: This is used for SAP LUW (Logic Unit of Work). These function modules are triggered in case of implicit or explicit COMMIT work is encountered. Commit Work is used to make changes in data base permanently.

o   Message class: This tool is used to maintain the Messages in the message pool.

They are used to give messages for instructing the users.

The standard T-Code SE91 is used to work with the message pool.

 Different types of messages are Error, Success, Warning, Information, Abort, Exit.

Syntax: MESSAGE ‘<MSG Text>’ type ‘E/I/W/S’.


o   Text symbols & Constants: The ABAP Statement TEXT followed by the symbol number (XXX) can used to define or call the text symbol. Constants are used to avoid the hard coded text and improve the reuse them in the program.

The T-code SE63 is used to translate the different types of text elements.

BP transection tax Classified Upload Program In SAP ABAP.

BP transection BDC Program In SAP ABAP.

BDC Program for BP transection.




*     FIELD_NAME          = ' '
      file_name p_path.

  PERFORM get_excel_data.
  PERFORM call_bdc.

       WA_FINAL TYPE                   TYP_FINAL,
       WA_EXCEL TYPE                   ALSMEX_TABLINE,
       INDEX    TYPE I,
       MSG      TYPE STRING.
*& -->  P1        TEXT
*& <--  P2        TEXT
      FILENAME                P_PATH
      I_BEGIN_COL             1
      I_BEGIN_ROW             P_STROW
      I_END_COL               100
      I_END_ROW               P_EDROW
      INTERN                  IT_EXCEL
      UPLOAD_OLE              2
      OTHERS                  3.
  IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.

*& -->  P1        TEXT
*& <--  P2        TEXT

perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPLBUS_LOCATOR' '3000'.
perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
perform bdc_field       using 'BUS_LOCA_SRCH01-SEARCH_TYPE'
perform bdc_field       using 'BUS_LOCA_SRCH01-SEARCH_ID'
perform bdc_field       using 'BUS_LOCA_SRCH01-MAXHIT'
perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_CURSOR'
perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPLBUPA_DIALOG_SETTINGS' '4000'.
perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_CURSOR'
perform bdc_field       using 'BUS_JOEL_SET-BUPA_DISPLAY_MODE'
perform bdc_field       using 'BUS_JOEL_SET-BUPA_CHANGE_MODE'
perform bdc_field       using 'BUS_JOEL_SET-BUPR_DISPLAY_MODE'
perform bdc_field       using 'BUS_JOEL_SET-BUPR_CHANGE_MODE'
perform bdc_field       using 'BUS_JOEL_SET-BUPA_CREATE_ROLE'
perform bdc_field       using 'BUS_JOEL_SET-USE_ALV'
perform bdc_field       using 'BUS_LOCATOR_SET-NARROW'
perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPLBUS_LOCATOR' '3000'.
perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
perform bdc_field       using 'BUS_LOCA_SRCH01-SEARCH_TYPE'
perform bdc_field       using 'BUS_LOCA_SRCH01-SEARCH_ID'
perform bdc_field       using 'BUS_LOCA_SRCH01-MAXHIT'
perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_CURSOR'
perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPLBUPA_DIALOG_JOEL' '1600'.
perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_CURSOR'
perform bdc_field       using 'BUS_JOEL_MAIN-OPEN_NUMBER' WA_FINAL-OPEN_NUMBER.
                                                                                      " '100000011'.
perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPLBUS_LOCATOR' '3000'.
perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
perform bdc_field       using 'BUS_LOCA_SRCH01-SEARCH_TYPE'
perform bdc_field       using 'BUS_LOCA_SRCH01-SEARCH_ID'
perform bdc_field       using 'BUS_LOCA_SRCH01-MAXHIT'
perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_CURSOR'
perform bdc_field       using 'BUS_JOEL_MAIN-PARTNER_ROLE'  WA_FINAL-PARTNER_ROLE.
perform bdc_field       using 'BUS_JOEL_MAIN-PARTNER_TIMEDEP'
*perform bdc_field       using 'BUS000FLDS-TITLE_MEDI'
*                              '3000'.
**perform bdc_field       using 'BUT000-NAME_ORG1'
**                              'S. DHAWAN & SONS.'.
**perform bdc_field       using 'BUS000FLDS-BU_SORT1_TXT'
**                              'SD3'.
**perform bdc_field       using 'ADDR1_DATA-STR_SUPPL1'
**                              '118 CHAMPAKLAL INDUSTRIAL ESTATE'.
**perform bdc_field       using 'ADDR1_DATA-STR_SUPPL2'
**                              'MUMBAI'.
**perform bdc_field       using 'ADDR1_DATA-CITY2'
**                              'MUMBAI'.
**perform bdc_field       using 'ADDR1_DATA-POST_CODE1'
**                              '400022'.
**perform bdc_field       using 'ADDR1_DATA-CITY1'
**                              'MUMBAI'.
**perform bdc_field       using 'ADDR1_DATA-COUNTRY'
**                              'IN'.
**perform bdc_field       using 'ADDR1_DATA-REGION'
**                              '27'.
**perform bdc_field       using 'ADDR1_DATA-TIME_ZONE'
**                              'INDIA'.
**perform bdc_field       using 'ADDR1_DATA-LANGU'
**                              'EN'.
**perform bdc_field       using 'SZA1_D0100-TEL_NUMBER'
**                              '23344451'.
**perform bdc_field       using 'SZA1_D0100-MOB_NUMBER'
**                              '98475626731'.
**perform bdc_field       using 'SZA1_D0100-FAX_NUMBER'
**                              '36464751'.
**perform bdc_field       using 'SZA1_D0100-SMTP_ADDR'
**                              ''.
**perform bdc_field       using 'BUS000FLDS-ADDR_VALID_FROM'
**                              '23.04.2019'.
**perform bdc_field       using 'BUS000FLDS-ADDR_VALID_TO'
**                              '31.12.9999'.
perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPLBUS_LOCATOR' '3000'.
perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
perform bdc_field       using 'BUS_LOCA_SRCH01-SEARCH_TYPE'
perform bdc_field       using 'BUS_LOCA_SRCH01-SEARCH_ID'
perform bdc_field       using 'BUS_LOCA_SRCH01-MAXHIT'
perform bdc_field       using 'BUS_JOEL_MAIN-PARTNER_ROLE' WA_FINAL-PARTNER_ROLE.
                                                                                 " 'FLCU01'.
perform bdc_field       using 'BUS_JOEL_MAIN-PARTNER_TIMEDEP'
perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_CURSOR'
*perform bdc_field       using 'BUS000FLDS-TITLE_MEDI'
*                              '3000'.
*perform bdc_field       using 'BUT000-NAME_ORG1'
*                              'S. DHAWAN & SONS.'.
*perform bdc_field       using 'BUS000FLDS-BU_SORT1_TXT'
*                              'SD3'.
*perform bdc_field       using 'ADDR1_DATA-STR_SUPPL1'
*                              '118 CHAMPAKLAL INDUSTRIAL ESTATE'.
*perform bdc_field       using 'ADDR1_DATA-STR_SUPPL2'
*                              'MUMBAI'.
*perform bdc_field       using 'ADDR1_DATA-CITY2'
*                              'MUMBAI'.
*perform bdc_field       using 'ADDR1_DATA-POST_CODE1'
*                              '400022'.
*perform bdc_field       using 'ADDR1_DATA-CITY1'
*                              'MUMBAI'.
*perform bdc_field       using 'ADDR1_DATA-COUNTRY'
*                              'IN'.
*perform bdc_field       using 'ADDR1_DATA-REGION'
*                              '27'.
*perform bdc_field       using 'ADDR1_DATA-TIME_ZONE'
*                              'INDIA'.
*perform bdc_field       using 'ADDR1_DATA-LANGU'
*                              'EN'.
*perform bdc_field       using 'SZA1_D0100-TEL_NUMBER'
*                              '23344451'.
*perform bdc_field       using 'SZA1_D0100-MOB_NUMBER'
*                              '98475626731'.
*perform bdc_field       using 'SZA1_D0100-FAX_NUMBER'
*                              '36464751'.
*perform bdc_field       using 'SZA1_D0100-SMTP_ADDR'
*                              ''.
*perform bdc_field       using 'BUS000FLDS-ADDR_VALID_FROM'
*                              '23.04.2019'.
*perform bdc_field       using 'BUS000FLDS-ADDR_VALID_TO'
*                              '31.12.9999'.
perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPLBUS_LOCATOR' '3000'.
perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
perform bdc_field       using 'BUS_LOCA_SRCH01-SEARCH_TYPE'
perform bdc_field       using 'BUS_LOCA_SRCH01-SEARCH_ID'
perform bdc_field       using 'BUS_LOCA_SRCH01-MAXHIT'
perform bdc_field       using 'BUS_JOEL_MAIN-PARTNER_ROLE'  WA_FINAL-PARTNER_ROLE.
                                                                     " 'FLCU01'.
perform bdc_field       using 'BUS_JOEL_MAIN-PARTNER_TIMEDEP'
perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_CURSOR'
perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPLBUSS' '0040'.
perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_CURSOR'
perform bdc_field       using 'CVIS_SALES_AREA_DYNPRO-XMARK(01)'
perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPLBUS_LOCATOR' '3000'.
perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
perform bdc_field       using 'BUS_LOCA_SRCH01-SEARCH_TYPE'
perform bdc_field       using 'BUS_LOCA_SRCH01-SEARCH_ID'
perform bdc_field       using 'BUS_LOCA_SRCH01-MAXHIT'
perform bdc_field       using 'BUS_JOEL_MAIN-PARTNER_ROLE'  WA_FINAL-PARTNER_ROLE.
                                                                   "  'FLCU01'.
perform bdc_field       using 'BUS_JOEL_MAIN-PARTNER_TIMEDEP'
perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_CURSOR'
**perform bdc_field       using 'GS_KNVV-BZIRK'
**                              'T22004'.
**perform bdc_field       using 'GS_KNVV-VKBUR'
**                              '15'.
**perform bdc_field       using 'GS_KNVV-VKGRP'
**                              '22'.
**perform bdc_field       using 'GS_KNVV_DYNP-AWAHR'
**                              '100'.
**perform bdc_field       using 'GS_KNVV-WAERS'
**                              'INR'.
**perform bdc_field       using 'GS_KNVV-KURST'
**                              ''.
**perform bdc_field       using 'GS_KNVV-KALKS'
**                              '1'.
perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPLBUS_LOCATOR' '3000'.
perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
perform bdc_field       using 'BUS_LOCA_SRCH01-SEARCH_TYPE'
perform bdc_field       using 'BUS_LOCA_SRCH01-SEARCH_ID'
perform bdc_field       using 'BUS_LOCA_SRCH01-MAXHIT'
perform bdc_field       using 'BUS_JOEL_MAIN-PARTNER_ROLE'  WA_FINAL-PARTNER_ROLE.
                                                                               " 'FLCU01'.
perform bdc_field       using 'BUS_JOEL_MAIN-PARTNER_TIMEDEP'
*perform bdc_field       using 'GS_KNVV-INCO1'
*                              'FOB'.
*perform bdc_field       using 'GS_KNVV-INCO2_L'
*                              'Free on Board'.
*perform bdc_field       using 'GS_KNVV-ZTERM'
*                              'Z006'.
*perform bdc_field       using 'GS_KNVV-KKBER'
*                              '1100'.
*perform bdc_field       using 'GS_KNVV-KTGRD'
*                              '01'.
perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_CURSOR'
perform bdc_field       using 'GT_KNVI_TC-TAXKD(05)' WA_FINAL-TAXKD.
                                                                       "   '1'.
perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPLBUS_LOCATOR' '3000'.
perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'
perform bdc_field       using 'BUS_LOCA_SRCH01-SEARCH_TYPE'
perform bdc_field       using 'BUS_LOCA_SRCH01-SEARCH_ID'
perform bdc_field       using 'BUS_LOCA_SRCH01-MAXHIT'
perform bdc_field       using 'BUS_JOEL_MAIN-PARTNER_ROLE'  WA_FINAL-PARTNER_ROLE.
                                                                      "  ' FLCU01'.
perform bdc_field       using 'BUS_JOEL_MAIN-PARTNER_TIMEDEP'
*perform bdc_field       using 'GS_KNVV-INCO1'
*                              'FOB'.
*perform bdc_field       using 'GS_KNVV-INCO2_L'
*                              'Free on Board'.
*perform bdc_field       using 'GS_KNVV-ZTERM'
*                              'Z006'.
*perform bdc_field       using 'GS_KNVV-KKBER'
*                              '1100'.
*perform bdc_field       using 'GS_KNVV-KTGRD'
*                              '01'.
perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_CURSOR'

                        MODE  P_MODE
                        MESSAGES INTO MESSTAB.


            ID        SY-MSGID
            LANG      '-D'
            NO        SY-MSGNO
            V1        SY-MSGV1
            V2        SY-MSGV2
            V3        SY-MSGV3
            V4        SY-MSGV4
            MSG       MSG
            NOT_FOUND 1
            OTHERS    2.
        IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.

        SERIAL SERIAL + 1.

*        START NEW SCREEN                                              *
*        INSERT FIELD                                                  *